Tag Archives: financial relationships
Eleventh Circuit Affirms 11-year Prison Sentence for Substance Abuse Treatment Center Physician
Fraud and Abuse Rules Part V: Easing Stark Law Compliance
Fraud and Abuse Rules Part IV: Final Changes to Existing and New Anti-Kickback Statute Safe Harbors
Fraud and Abuse Rules Part III: New Value-Based Arrangement Protections
Fraud and Abuse Rules Part I: Changes to Patient Inducement and Kickback Policies
Eleventh Circuit Holds “Knowingly and Willfully” Does Not Require Motive for Kickback Recipient
HHS Finalizes Stark Law, AKS Changes to Reduce Burdens on Healthcare Providers
OIG Issues Special Fraud Alert That Challenges Industry Norms Regarding Speakers Programs
OIG Responds to Free/Discounted Lodging and Free Antibody COVID-19 Test Inquiries

OIG Responds to Physician Group COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment Arrangement Inquiry

OIG Updates Enforcement Responses to COVID-19 Arrangement Inquiries

OIG Follows the Stark Law COVID-19 Waivers for Anti-Kickback Statute

Stark Law Waivers Issued During COVID-19 Pandemic